Occupational wellness is pursuing a career path(s) that supports your goals, professional growth, and success.
Signs of Occupational Wellness
- Doing work that you find motivating and interesting
- Understanding how to balance leisure with work
- Working in a way that fits into your personal learning style
- Communicating and collaborating with others
- Working independently and with others
- Feeling inspired and challenged
- Feeling good at the end of the day about the work you accomplished
Check in with your occupational wellness
- Are you thinking about a major that you will find interesting and meaningful?
- What opportunities do you want to take advantage of while at UNH to propel your occupational wellness? Internships? Study abroad? Volunteer work? On-campus leadership programs?
- What's your balance between work and relaxation?
Explore Occupational Wellness
- Don't settle, keep motivated to work towards what you want
- Increase your skills and knowledge to advance your occupational wellness goals
- Find the benefits and positives in your current job
- Create connections with your co-workers
- Avoid over working yourself, find a work/life balance
- Enjoy what you do, do what you enjoy
- Write out your occupational goals and create a plan to reach them - then start working the plan
- Talk to a career counselor if you feel stuck